關於911 gt3rs的評價, Julie Woon
I feel less of a woman beside these 2 stunners. They were as beautiful as the 911 GT3 RS launched th...
I feel less of a woman beside these 2 stunners. They were as beautiful as the 911 GT3 RS launched th...
I feel less of a woman beside these 2 stunners. They were as beautiful as the 911 GT3 RS launched th...
我下過三次麗寶,總計開了應該有數十圈,每次賽道中領跑的車子幾乎有80%都是保時捷911 GT3RS,...
奶爸為了艾倫完成的!!這是一種父愛! 奶爸:為了兒子,1158個組件,經過四小時的激戰!呼!終...
把一台boxster改成911 GT3RS... 其實還蠻厲害的。 https://m.faceb...
美好的年假 就從晨跑展開序幕吧 只是...... 今天怎麼山海跟莫內都沒開門..... 忘了...
每天都是驚喜之~GT3RS來也! 好多人在問GT3 RS 今晚終於要播出~~先預告明天是性能跑車...
新GT3 RS「911最純粹靈魂」 堅守自然進氣的最後淨土 #玩車編:自然進氣的聲浪真的是天籟啊~...
[直播] 2018 日內瓦車展 | Porsche Mission E Cross Turismo、...
Porsche 911 R大概是最靠近911原始初衷的作品,在Autobahn跑起來絕對只有爽而已...